Weitz Group participated the Harvard Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science (HUROS) Fair.

November 4, 2022

Weitz Group participated the Harvard Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science (HUROS) Fair, which took place on Friday, November 4, 2022, from 1-4pm at the Student Organization Center at Hilles (SOCH). Here is the Weitz Group’s Research Poster.


Great thanks to Rohan Thakur (rohan_thakur@hst.harvard.edu), Jean Carlos Serrano Flores (jeancs@g.harvard.edu), Zhencheng Max Jiang (zcjiang@g.harvard.edu), and Thomas Litschel (tlitschel@g.harvard.edu) for representing the group in the fair.  


At the HUROS Fair, 90 research groups from Harvard and Harvard-affiliated institutes and hospitals presented posters describing their research to Harvard College undergraduates interested in conducting science research. In addition, several Harvard summer programs and advising organizations held informational tables to help students identify summer research opportunities and funding. We estimated over 300 students participated in the event throughout the day!


Click here to access the 2022 HUROS Abstract Booklet


Harvard undergranduate students are encouraged to reach out to Hong LI (hongli@seas.harvard.edu) if they are interested in doing research in Weitz Group.