Shear-induced configurations of confined colloidal suspensions


Cohen, I. ; Mason, T. G. ; Weitz, D. A. Shear-induced configurations of confined colloidal suspensions. Physical Review Letters 2004, 93, 046001. Copy at
cohen2004.pdf181 KB


We show that geometric confinement dramatically affects the shear-induced configurations of dense monodisperse colloidal suspensions; a new structure emerges, where layers of particles buckle to stack in a more efficient packing. The volume fraction in the shear zone is controlled by a balance between the viscous stresses and the osmotic pressure of a contacting reservoir of unsheared particles. We present a model that accounts for our observations and helps elucidate the complex interplay between particle packing and shear stress for confined suspensions.

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Last updated on 05/14/2021