Elasticity of dilatant particle suspensions during flow


Larsen, R. J. ; Kim, J. - W. ; Zukoski, C. F. ; Weitz, D. A. Elasticity of dilatant particle suspensions during flow. Physical Review E 2010, 81, 011502. Copy at http://www.tinyurl.com/y5wozt3q
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Dense suspensions under sufficiently high shear stress can exhibit a dramatic transition to a solidlike state. This is known as extreme shear thickening and is sometimes accompanied by dilatancy. This behavior is contradictory; the material is solidlike but only when flowing. To probe the elasticity of the dilatant state, we measure the transient inertio-elastic oscillations that occur in response to step changes in applied stress. As the volume fraction of solids increases the apparent flow elasticity also increases, and the suspension flows more slowly, approaching an elastic solid, which will support stress statically.

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Last updated on 04/01/2021